Welcome to Cadence Park School’s Puma Run Club!


Puma Run Club 2024-2025 is open to all students in grades K-8. We meet on Friday mornings at 7:15am throughout the year. Get ready to meet and form friendships with students from all grade levels, have a fun time playing active games, learn healthy lifestyle tips as you complete weekly nutrition challenges, and earn cool finisher medals when competing in races! 
Want to be a part of this year’s run club? Make sure you click below to fill out our interest form:

CLICK HERE FOR Puma Run Club Interest Form! 


The Program

We are partnered with Kids Run the OC, a program designed by the OC Marathon committee. They provide a curriculum that includes active games, nutrition challenges, and race training. Students in grades K-3 must have an adult in attendance during practices. The program is divided into two semesters—Fall and Spring.

    • Fall Program: This program includes 6 practices begininning Friday, October 25th and leading up to the race on Saturday, December 14th. See schedule below for Fall dates.
    • Spring Program: This program includes 12 practices beginning Friday, January 31st and leading up to the race on Saturday, May 3rd. See schedule below for Spring dates. 


The Races: 

We have two race that we will run this year. The first race, called Run For A Clause, is in December and is held at UC Irvine. The second race, called Kids Run the OC, is in May and is held at the OC Fair Grounds. Each student will need to be registered for these races. We will update this page as registration links and more info on each race become available. All participants will receive a finisher medal and a t-shirt. There is a registration fee for these races. Please let us know if you need financial assistance to participate.
    • Run For A Clause: Registration links and info are expected to become available later in August.
    • Kids Run the OC: Registration links and info are expected to become available in February.

See you on the blacktop!

Link to Run Club Interest Form 

or Scan: